Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back to school!

'Twas the night before school and all through the England house.....

Every creature was stirring even the mouse (well ... the cat!). Switching from summer gear to the school year gets tougher every year. This summer the kids were staying up until about 11:00 so asking them to get in bed no later than 9:00 is no small task. But the night before school we had baths done and kids ready to hop in bed at 9. Lauren even had her whole outfit laid out and I had to run get my camera and take this picture. Sooo cute!

And then it was time to tuck them all in. We usually go to Lauren's room first because she pretty much has her own side of the upstairs. She sleeps with our dog Lucky. Then it was on to kiss Mackenzie, Austin then Nick. Good night little people! No radios, no texting, no DS's ... go to sleep!

And the rest of us have a little free time before bed. Even Eddie the cat got in on the photo action as did me and Marty. Had to get the whole family in there (with the exception of a couple of dogs).

6:30am came early for the younger 3 but they all made it out the door and in time for their buses. Don't they all look awesome? Left to right that's Austin, Mackenzie and Lauren.

And, of course, since it was the first day of school I had to go to the bus stop with them and take pictures (how embarrassing Mom!!!!). Here are my 3 waiting for the bus. Austin is in intermediate school and his bus stop is across the street from Lauren and Mackenzie's who are in elementary school.

Still waiting for the bus (we got there a little early). This is Lauren and Mackenzie with a neighbor friend Mitchell. And Lauren with her friend Markenzie who grew A LOT over the summer. Markenzie is just one grade ahead of Lauren! But she starts intermediate school this year so they are no longer in the same school. :(

Ahhh Lauren and Mackenzie's bus finally arrives and DRAT! ... it's the same crabby bus driver as last year. You regular readers may recall my Bus Drivers Are Mean post from last August. So I didn't attempt to get on the bus this year and these pictures are the best I could do without being on the bus. But the good thing about our stop is that we are first so the kids get the best seats!

Austin's bus is supposed to come approximately 2 minutes after Lauren and Mackenzie's. And right after they left Austin says to me, "Mom ... do I need my glasses?" Well yeah! I told him to run as fast as he could and get them. But you can probably guess what happened.... Yeah he missed the bus on the very first day of school. He seems to have a problem with buses and the first day. In kindergarten he got on the wrong bus to come home and the bus driver had to make a special trip to our house!

So since he missed the bus, we had some time to kill. The school is just down the road and if we left right away he would have been too early. So what's a kid to do while he waits ... hula hoop!!! It's ALWAYS a good time to hula hoop!

And then it was time to go. So here is Austin (glasses on) in the car ready for school. I didn't mind taking him and I think it made him happy on the first day anyway. He was a little nervous.

I know you probably are thinking ... what about Nick? Well ... he is going to a new school this year (middle school) and it starts 45 minutes after the other kids. So he gets to sleep in a little. So after I got back from taking Austin, I had to make Nick's lunch (Marty makes Lauren and Mackenzie's lunch and I make Austin and Nick's but Austin usually buys his so it's a good deal for me). Anyway, Nick has been taking the same thing for lunch since preschool. I can't count the number of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (one cut up and down, one cut sideways) I have made in my life. Although this year he said he didn't care how they are cut anymore but I still do it that way. Austin told me tonight that there are 180 days of school. So here are the first 2 of 360 pb&j sandwiches I'll make for Nick this year.

Nick actually woke up while the other kids were getting ready so he was ready early and had time to kill so he played with the cat for a while.

And then it was time for him to leave. He had to take all his school supplies and his clarinet so Marty drove him to school on the first day. Besides, it's a big adjustment for him. He's the only one who started a new school this year. But he's excited about it.

And that's it. All of the kids had a great day and they all like their teachers and their schedules. I have a hard time believing I have a 7th, 6th and two 4th graders. What happened to my babies?

Gotta think on the music for today. How about Young MC: Principal's Office


  1. Busy first day! And, I'm pretty sure that's not Lauren in the middle of those three pictures. So, left to right it would be Austin, Mackenzie, Lauren. :) Ha ha.

  2. Anonymous10:35 PM

    lauren looked so cute in her rocker (or is that hip hop?) outfit, and i love the photo of nick on the floor with the cat...so sweet! Great photos for another great year of back to school memories! Christine
