Monday, August 25, 2008

Bus drivers are mean!

So ... I got up at a ridiculous time today. Like earlier than I usually do. Anyone who knows me knows that I have been a complete wreck for about the last week. Poor Marty had to put up with me all day yesterday. Every year I freak out right before school starts. It's a combination of a lot of things but mainly it's that summer is very long and by the 11th week, I am ready for the kids to stop coming to work with me! Also, there's the chores of getting them clothes, school supplies, completing registration paperwork, meet the teacher nights, etc. Anyway, none of that matters because school started today. So back to my story of getting up way before the crack of dawn. I got up, made sure backpacks were where they were supposed to be, etc. I got Marty up, we fed the kids and packed their lunches. And we were ready early ... or so we thought. It was only 7:00 and the buses weren't supposed to be there until 7:21 and 7:22. Well, as we are cleaning up after breakfast, we see Lauren and Mackenzie's bus. So then everything goes to $hi+!! The backpacks were only mostly packed and we started scrambling. So everyone rushes out the door and runs to the bus stop only to find out that we are the first stop and he was early and wouldn't leave until 7:21. So the kids got on the bus and we waited. Well, after a few minutes I decided to get my camera and take a few pictures of the first day. I wanted to get a cute shot on the bus because it was just Lauren and Mackenzie and Lauren's best friends Mackenzie and Markenzie. So I got my camera and walked down to the bus stop. The bus driver had closed the door so I tapped on the door to get his attention. He opened it and said, "NO PARENTS ALLOWED ON THE BUS!" WTF? There were only 4 kids on the bus and they weren't going anywhere. Anyway, I didn't really listen and immediately put my foot on the first step of the bus and took a quick picture. He was not amused and told me I had to get off. Friendly fellow. I'm sure he's GREAT with a full busload!
The first day went well for everyone. I was most worried about Austin because he was starting at a new school. He's in intermediate school now with Nick. It's a big change from elementary school because you have a locker with a combination, change classes, dress out for PE, etc. But he had a great day. And Nick has decided the school bus isn't so bad so that is helpful because I had to pick him up every day last year. Mackenzie said his teacher is really nice. And Lauren said she had the BEST day of her LIFE today so that would seem like a positive sign.
And I know you have all been waiting to see what clothes Lauren picked out for the first day. She actually surprised me and didn't go too crazy. Everything was brown and pink. And, of course an argyle shirt matches pants with horses on them and high-heeled tennis shoes. It was a great ensemble. Tomorrow she's going for the skulls. It's all the rage this year. She will not be outdone. I think the girl could have a career in the fashion industry. Anyway, here she is.

Apparently Marty is right ... he says I like angry singers. The music today is Deftones: Back to School ... lots of screaming here! Good stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:43 PM

    what a jerk that guy is! Irritating!

    Read everything, and I love, love the pictures and the stories on your blog! The one about your mom on space mountain is so funny...(my personal fave ride, so sorry it was closed!) and heading to Cal Adventure and not knowing you weren't at disney...tee hee! What a giggle!

    Too bad about Lauren getting sick. I know a thing or two about taking a big batch of kids to disney what with taking my students every year, and believe me, someone is ALWAYS getting sick! :(

    Your page of the boys is great...and the photos of your party too. Happy Anniversary, btw, to you and your love-y!! What a sweet thing you wrote about him!

    Well, gotta run! Love getting the notices so I know when you posted! Have a wonderful week with the kids back at school!
