As you can see in the pictures, Lauren is not the biggest girl on the team. OK ... you could say that she is probably the smallest but she was just as good as everyone out there and she tried her little heart out. Did I already say that I am very, very proud of her?!
Marty and I realized that we know absolutely nothing about soccer. We have some studying to do. We think that she is a middle fielder. Not sure on that. Going to have to ask her coach what position she is playing. Then we need to learn some of the rules of the game so we can help her. It's pretty sad. Anyway, enough with that ... let's bring on the pictures!!! She was a star today!
And here's proof that Marty and the boys and I were at the game. It was like a typhoon at the soccer field. The wind almost blew me over a couple of times. Not sure how Lauren and her 50 pound (fully clothed with wet hair) body didn't get swept away!
Here's out little cutie taking a well-deserved break from the game.
I didn't take any video today because it was really windy and all you would have heard was the wind noise. But if you really, really want to see Lauren playing soccer, I will not disappoint. Here she is at her very first practice. That's Lauren in the black pants and white shirt with red sleeves.
And, in case anyone was wondering where Lauren got those awesome, muscular, well-defined, power legs ... take a look at her Mama when she was the same age as Lauren. Yep, that's me in about 1979.
She is SO cute. And a girl after my own heart - trying a bit of everything!