Well, I've been promising for almost a month so here you go ... random pictures from Christmas 2008 at the England house. A great time was had by all. It was great to be able to stay at home for a change.

The big present was a Wii. Marty and I decided that this required a complete rearranging of the playroom so we spent the day upstairs. You couldn't imagine the amount of stuff we loaded in the car and took to the church. We are now very happy with our playroom. It's much more appropriate for kids that are in the 8-12 range instead of toddlers. The bottom picture is the boys playing Guitar Hero World Tour. They are all getting pretty good at it.

And that's all I have for today. Louisiana pictures coming up next. (I think ... maybe more from Christmastime. Who knows.)
How about some Sade: Cherish The Day. Love this song!
How about some Sade: Cherish The Day. Love this song!
OK, random creepy thought...I have nearly those same pillows on my family room sofa, and the same chairs in my kitchen. Guess that means you're as cool as me, huh????