Saturday, July 28, 2007

What a party!

Just a quick note to tell everyone THANK YOU for all of the well wishes yesterday. It was a great day. And last night Mom came over and watched the kids while Marty and I went out. Thanks Mom! Right now, it's very early and we're packing for our trip to Houston/Galveston.

If you're looking for the freebie, scroll down to the post from July 27th. The contests run until Tuesday, July 31st.

I'll leave you with a video. No music today. One of my contests is to tell me your best joke. Well, Debi sent me some links to a few Will Ferrell videos. I LOVE Will Ferrell and this one is cracking me up! Enjoy! Talk to you on Wednesday when we get back!


  1. Hi Robyn,
    glad to hear you had a great day! I wanna go out too!!!! lol. But with grandmothers 7000 km away from us it's impossible and I'm still nursing my little babygirl. Hopefully in a few years my husband and I can have some fun without the kids.
    The video is a GOOD ONE! Love it! :)It's funny. The little girl is adorable.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Great video !! The little girl is so cute that it's so fun to hear her talk bad words !!!! Have a nice we !!

  3. Anonymous5:32 AM

    How about sharing some of the jokes?
