Tuesday, July 03, 2007

It was a great day after all.

When I woke up this morning, I thought it was going to be a really, really crappy day. But then I realized that everything just seemed to be going my way. Marty and I have weighed on Monday mornings for years. Well, the scale was very friendly to me today. Three pounds less than last week. I don't know where it went because I've been eating like a pig as always, but whatever! It is bathing suit season after all! Pretty soon I'll look just like I did in this picture from 1995! ROFL! Hey ... is that a wine cooler in my hand? Ignore that! (I know Becky will have something to say about this!)

The real reason I thought it would be a bad day was because I was really worried about our cat, Eddie. I let him outside before I went to work on Saturday and we had not seen him since and I was sure he had headed over to the woods by the lake that is close to our house. I have heard coyotes howling over there so you can guess what I thought had become of poor Eddie. We didn't know exactly what we were going to tell the kids. Lauren was especially concerned about him. He's her buddy.
But when I got home from work, there was a message from Animal Control that they had picked him up. So I packed up all of the kids (plus a friend that was over playing with Lauren) and we went to get him. However, when we got there and I told them which animal I was there to pick up, the lady paused for a second and told me that Eddie had been "involved in an altercation with a dog." So I immediately assumed that he was injured since he has no front claws. But that wasn't the case. It turns out that Eddie bit a Bulldog. Apparently Eddie was sleeping in some random backyard and when the owners let their dog out, Eddie freaked out. Kind of a long story but the end result is that we have to pay $212 for the dog's vet bill. That's on top of the $45 I had to pay to bail him out, along with the promise that I would get his shots up to date (they are 2 weeks overdue). I guess he's worth it! LOL!
In other good news, it seems that we have sold our old house!! IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!! We put it on the market in October of last year and have had lots of lookers but no takers. So today, we got some lowball offer but we countered and they accepted. They have already put down their earnest money so as of right now, it looks like a done deal. That's a big load off! Bye bye old house!

There was actually a break in the rain today and I promised the kids I would take them swimming. But as soon as we got home, we had to go pick up Eddie and by the time we got back it was about to rain again. So what's a good mother to do? That's right ... take them swimming in the rain. Fun stuff. We stayed until it started pouring.
Then after it stopped, Lauren wanted to jump on the trampoline with me. She doesn't weigh enough to make it bounce (at age 7, she only weighs 41 pounds!) so she likes to hold my hands and jump. We had a lot of fun on the wet trampoline.
And again, I have talked your ear off about absolutely nothing. Does anyone really read this anyway? I know Mom's out there ... and Becky and probably Christine. Leave me a message and just say hi! Sorry I have been so out of touch. Summer is really crazy at the England house.
I'll leave you with some feel good music ... It's A Great Day To Be Alive by Travis Tritt.


  1. Yay!!! Congrats on selling the house... that must be a huge weight off your shoulders!!! And I'm sure Lauren's pretty happy that Eddie is back... that vet bill sucks though...we just paid that for Capone for a recent visit! Yikes, they're expensive!
    Hope all is going well... it's been slow in the forum... missed talking to all you gals!!!

  2. Yes, I read your "nothing" blog; or are you renaming it to "Seinfeld"? Great news about the old house being sold. And I love that you got to play on the trampoline with Lauren. Good news/bad news about Eddie. Oh well. Have a great summer.

  3. Congratulations on your house being sold ! What a relief for you ! I love how your house looks like ! I like reading your blog, you're always full of humour and i like that !!

  4. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Yeah... big surprise there's a drink in your hand. Probably a drink in your hand as you went to pick up Eddie. Why the heck did you have him tagged so they could find you!?! Cats belong to no one, and should be responsible for themselves. Eddie should have to pay these bills himself. Perhaps he could pay the debt by doing cat calendar photo shoots for a living...he is rather attractive. If you alter the photos and apply interesting captions you can sell them as LOL cat photos! Make t-shirts. That debt would be paid off in no time! Congrats on the house sale!

  5. What Becky said.


    Hey, I'm reading, too! I SO feel your pain about the house...never wanted to tell you that our Texas house sat on the market for nine months, most of those while we were back in Iowa. Worst time of my life!!!!!! So I know that feeling of relief, too. Here's to living with one mortgage payment!

    Eddie. Bad kitty.

  6. I'm reading. :)

    Congrats on the house sale.
