Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year! ... and a Trip To Terabithia

Today was a great start to 2009. It was a very fun, productive day. Marty and I spent a couple of hours taking down Christmas decorations (that's why I'm not doing a Christmas post today ... I'm all Christmased out ... but I promise the pictures are coming soon.) It was a beautiful, sunny day and about 70°.

We live right by a lake and there is a finger of the lake that comes behind the houses and you can hike around the woods. It's pretty muddy and the kids always come home filthy but they love it. They call the spot Terabithia. (Like the book/movie Bridge to Terabithia.) Lauren came home today with a tadpole. I asked if she would take me to Terabithia and she was so excited so I put on my boots and we headed out the door. We went with one of her friends and the boys all wanted to go with us but I had told Lauren it was just going to be the girls. But while I was putting on my boots, the boys left and I was pretty sure we would be seeing them!

Lauren was so sweet. She kept asking if I wanted to go the long or the short way? ... The easy or the hard way? ... The muddy or the rocky way? (There are many ways to get to Terabithia apparently.) But I told her that I was going to follow her whichever way she wanted to go. So we went through the creek. Here are Lauren and her friend Mackenzie in the creek.

I knew it wouldn't be long before we ran into one of the boys. We heard some rustling in the bushes and out popped my son Mackenzie!

So we asked him to take a picture of the three of us and then we were on our way again. The boys went their separate way.

And then we made it to Terabithia. This is the first picture I took. The sunshine makes it look magical ... just like in the book!

We spent a good hour or more walking around the woods and by the lake. I was really glad I had worn rubber boots. Lauren weighs about 43 pounds and does not sink in the mud. I am a different story! Here are some miscellaneous pictures of Terabithia.

And then we saw them again ... BOYS! I think they were spying on us the whole time. But this time we decided to stay together and head over to the bridge. My son Mackenzie had gone home. Nick told me that Mackenzie had found some trash and said he wanted to clean it up like WALL-E (Mackenzie has a slight WALL-E fascination at the moment). The boys in the picture are Nick in the glasses and our neighbor Jonathan (Lauren's friend Mackenzie's brother).

And we finally made it to the Bridge to Terabithia. Here it is. And the kids wanted to go under it. They are convinced that a "hobo" (Lauren's word) lives under the bridge because there's some carpet under there.

Christmas pictures are coming soon. I promise. But for now we need some music. How about a bridge song? Here's the Red Hot Chili Peppers: Under the Bridge.


  1. Anonymous2:16 AM

    What fun! I remember creating a Terabithia with my best friend when I was about her age in the creek behind my house. You guys are creating memories that she can hold onto forever - how cool. Lauren is beautiful, by the way!

  2. Great photos! I long to take my kids to places like this. They've got to explore.
