Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Workin' At The Car Wash!

We got a new car a few months ago and it finally got it's first bath. The boys and I had a great time washing it. But I have decided that it takes about 10 times longer to wash a car when the kids help.
I guess that's all I have to say. Can you believe it? More California pictures coming soon. Disneyland is on deck!
Once again, it was an easy choice of music kinda day. Christina Aguilera: Car Wash


  1. Looks fun to wash the car with the England family!!! ;)
    Hey, by the way, you are hot! I should start doing gym too!!! LOL! ;)
    See ya Robyn!!!

  2. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Yowsa! Looking GOOOD!! :)
