Sunday, July 20, 2008

Guitar Heroes!

The boys have been wanting Guitar Hero III for a while now. They play it at friends' houses and whenever we go somewhere that has it. Apparently the Wii version is the best ... at least that's what I'm told. Anyone have an opinion on this? Because I really don't. I just thought this was a fun picture. Here's what the England kids do while Mom and Dad are shopping for video cameras. Geez ... a little adult supervision would be nice, don't ya think?
Here's some music for you. It's the song I think of when I think of Guitar Hero. Scorpions: Rock You Like A Hurricane

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Look...there is no doubt that the Wii is the BEST by far!

    Now buy the kids a Wii so I can come over and show them how to play! :)
