I hope some of you scrapping types will head over to the challenge and give it a try. I know that might mean breaking out your scanner but it's fun ... I promise!
On to other news ... not much going on here but summertime stuff. The kids are out of school. We go to the waterpark a lot. We're all headed to Six Flags this afternoon. The older boys are in baseball camp all week. And I drive all over the world getting them to and from places. We are excited to be going out as a family tonight. It seems like we are always busy doing separate stuff. Marty and the little kids are headed to Arkansas this weekend. But divide and conquer is sometimes the way to go when you have 4 kids!
Back to work for me. It's hard to squeeze it in sometimes in the summer. Here's some music. Death Cab For Cutie: I Will Possess Your Heart ... I promise they will start singing (like 5 minutes into the video!).
Back to scrappin'...alright!!! Hey, maybe that means you'll be back to bloggin'...here's a little prompt to get you going. I've tagged you! http://webchyck.typepad.com/wandering_with_webchyck/2008/06/tagalicious.html