Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My boys have [snow]balls!

Well, it wasn't much but we did get some snow. Most of it has melted already and life should return to normal tomorrow. But it sure was fun having a day to just play today. I didn't get any work done but does that really matter?! In addition to a little snow time, we also spent some quality time with the kids watching the American Idol auditions that we recorded last night. We haven't seen a season in a while but the kids seem to like it so we may have to watch this season.
The boys all enjoyed a snowball fight while I videotaped them. Lauren immediately disappeared with a friend as she usually does. She's only 6 but already acts like a teenager.
In this picture, left to right: Mackenzie, Nick and Austin. That's Marty in the back if you couldn't guess that! And here are a few more shots...


  1. :::gasping for air::: Is that a LONGHORN ball cap on that Arkansas head!?! Surely my eyes are betraying me! No, Marty, Nooooooooooo! At least Nick is dressed appropriately! ;)

    My girls are asking every day if we're going to get snow. Maybe this weekend - maybe! As much as I hate snow, I'd love for us to get some just for their sake!

  2. Great shots! Your boys are all so adorable! :)

  3. I would say the new blog looks AWESOME

  4. Nice new blog look Robyn! I liked your cute red bike too though. :) Happy Snow times to you. We've had no snow this year yet in tennessee!
