Friday, September 29, 2006

Tagged Again, The Apprentice and Cleaning...

I was tagged again ... this time by Liz who is on the Studio Crew with me at Scrapbook Graphics. This is actually a pretty easy tag. Here are the rules: List 5 Weird things about yourself or your pets. Tag 5 friends and list them. Those people need to write on their blogs about 5 weird things, state the rules, and tag 5 more people. Don’t forget to let the people you tag know by posting a comment on their blog!
I'm tagging Debra Tope, Helen Parkinson, Nancy James, Lisa Cohen and Fiddlette.

I'm going to cheat because I created this layout a few months ago for the Simply You Challenge at Scrap Artist. And it is perfect for the tag. In case you can't read the journaling:
  • I can play the high part of “Heart and Soul” on a piano.
  • I once sent in an audition tape to Survivor.
  • I can put my foot behind my head.
  • I eat at Chick-fil-A almost every day!
  • I have a strange obsession with taking pictures of myself.
All papers are by Lisa Cohen - Everyday Tango kit. Crossed staples are by Michelle Coleman - Free Spirit kit. Both from Scrap Artist. The piano, Survivor and Chick-fil-A cows images were downloaded from the Internet. Font is Berlin Sans FB Demi. Created in Photoshop CS2.
The competition was narrowed down to 25 designer wanna-be's and I was on the list. I am very excited about that! This week, the challenge is "texture."
Our assignment is to create one solid and one patterned paper with lots of texture. The papers don't necessarily have to match. We were given some sample pieces of art to use as inspiration if we wanted. I think this is a great assignment as I feel texture is one of the most important aspects of paper design.
Here is my entry. If you would like to see all of the entries so far, CLICK HERE. The talent in the competition is really amazing. I am proud to be included with this group of 25.
In Other News
Marty is out of town tonight and I told him I would clean this house. LOL! With 4 kids, it's always a little messy. But right now, it is really out of control! There is stuff and toys everywhere. I don't know what happened but it really looks like a tornado blew through here. So instead of spending my free night scrapping, I have vowed to myself to clean up this mess of a house. But at least I know it is only dirty on the surface as we have a cleaning crew to come in and do the deep cleaning once a month. I clean enough at the gym! Here's a small sample of the wreck I live in.
This was taken just moments ago in the Playstation room. (Yes ... Playstation is such an integral part of our lives that it has its own separate room. LOL!) That's my youngest, Mackenzie lying in all of the blocks. Apparently the blocks just "appeared" because no one will claim that they did it. Normally I would make them clean it but, like I said, I have let the house get so bad that I am going to do a clean sweep and start from scratch. Perhaps the blocks will find their way to Goodwill since our youngest is 6 and doesn't even play with blocks anymore! It's the perfect time to clean because Marty is a pack rat and won't let me get rid of any toys that the kids "might" use!


  1. Oh no LOL I never did do that "About Me" challenge so I don't have a page to put with this.
    OMy I am not sure I have 5 people I can tag either that you don't already have on your tagged list :S

    Hummmmmm ok going to have to think on this lol the 5 weird things about me or our pets is the easy part.

  2. Oh and btw it is very reasuring to know that other people live in a similar clutter to us here. LOL

  3. Hope you got your chores done...I know how good that feels when you do! :)

  4. tagged me!! Finished with the assignment, ma'am!! yes indeedy!! :)

  5. hee hee! Robyn I feel I know you much better now. the foot thing is a serious talent! thanks for the tag!

  6. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Thank you so much for your comment on my blog, Robyn. And speaking of talent, you are way up there! I wish you the best of luck and really hope you'll move to next round! You go, girl!

  7. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Congratulations on moving forward in the scrapartist apprenticeship. And, we live together? Except for the boys, that looks just like the floor in Elizabeth and Katherine's room! LOL
