Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Colorado: Day 3

Day 3 was our fun day!  We went to Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park in Glenwood Springs.  It was about an hour and a half drive so we left pretty early.  The drive was absolutely gorgeous.  We got to Glenwood Springs around 11:00am and ate lunch before we headed up the mountain to the adventure park.  Here are some pictures of the gondolas that carried us up the mountain and also the view from the gondola.

And the kids wanted to get straight to the fun!  Austin jumped on the trampoline with a bungee cord and Nick, Mackenzie and Lauren climbed the rock wall.  (That's Mackenzie in the first picture way at the top!)

And then I believe we did our first round of the alpine slide but I didn't get any pictures because I put my purse in a locker.  But not to worry ... there will be pictures in a minute.  We rode it LOTS!

And then we went over to the mechanical bull.  The kids all rode and I decided it looked fun so I tried it out too.  All was good except it didn't stop until you fell!  There was no 8 second ride!!  LOL!  Marty decided not to ride cause he said he had ridden one before and it hurt!  So here we have pictures of everyone riding and everyone falling.

And then Lauren wanted to do it again while the boys went somewhere so I took a video.  (Oops - forgot to turn off the camera at the end.)

And then the kids did a few more rounds of stuff.  These are just miscellaneous pictures.  I don't remember what order we did what because they just kept running from place to place.  In addition to these pictures, there was also a human maze, a 4-D show and laser tag.  It's a pretty fun place!  The picture of Lauren is in this wooden box thing that had tiny little passageways that you had to twist and turn your body around.  She was good at it because she's so small.

And now it's time for alpine slide pictures.  The alpine slide is kinda like a combination of a go-kart and a rollercoaster that goes down the side of the mountain.  It's on rails so you can't fall off.  But you control how fast or slow you go.  It was a lot of fun and the kids only had one speed ... lever all the way forward!

That last picture is the view from the bottom.  After the ride is over, you just get to lay back and it hauls you back up the mountain.  It's very relaxing and takes several minutes.

My last ride I got brave and took a video.  I had the camera strapped tightly to my arm so I was videoing with one hand and pushing the go lever with the other.  Seems completely safe!  :P

A good time was had by all!

And then it was time to go back to the hotel.  Here's my family waiting for the gondola to take us back down the mountain.  We were lucky because they had shut down the gondolas for awhile because they had spotted lightening.  For awhile it looked like there was going to be a huge storm.  It got all windy and dark.  So we played laser tag and when we were done the weather was sunny again.  And I thought Texas weather was weird ... mountain weather is just crazy!

And then we were back on the highway to Breckenridge.  This tunnel right through the mountain was so cool and so was the way the highway was high on one side and low on the other I guess so they didn't have to cut out the mountain as much when building the road.

And that's all for day 3.  It was such a fun day!!  The only thing that was bad is that I felt like I was gonna die when we got almost to the hotel.  All that altitude did me in!!!!  A couple of Advils later and I was good as new.  

Day 4 coming soon!

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