Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Is there any chance you could be pregnant?

I know this is a strange title for a blog post but I have been asked this question FOUR TIMES in the last two days! And, no ... it's not because I am getting bigger (well, maybe I have put on a couple of pounds since swimsuit season ended). But the reason I keep getting asked is because I keep going with the kids for x-rays and x-ray related things. And they always ask you twice, just to be sure. Yesterday, I went with Mackenzie for his CAT scan. He was a trooper! He thinks the big machine is cool. I'm looking forward to seeing what they found during the CAT scan (hopefully nothing). It's driving me nuts because I have the CD in my purse but wouldn't have a clue what I was even looking for if I opened it and, besides, I am paranoid that if I try to open it up, I may mess it up and have to go back and re-do the whole thing! (As if they don't keep everything on file!)

I was expecting the CAT scan with Mackenzie. But not Austin's ordeal today. I had conferences with all of the kids' teachers yesterday and Austin's teacher and I agreed that it would probably be beneficial to try Austin on his ADHD medication again. He is just having a really hard time staying focused and in his seat. It's been several months since I took him off of it because I didn't feel it was necessary during the summer and I wanted to see how he would do without it during school. Anyway ... I called to get an appointment with the doctor for a new prescription and was told that our pediatrician was going on vacation starting Thursday so they squeezed me in today. I got him out of school and we went in for his appointment at about 2:45.
Everything was fine and right before she was leaving the room, the doctor asked if I had any other concerns. I told her that Austin had really been coughing a lot in the last few days. So she listened to his lungs and said they were not clear. She had him do a breathing treatment in the office and then listened again. Still not clear. She decided he might have a mild case of pneumonia and told us to go to the radiologist for a chest x-ray. The radiology office was about 5 miles away. This was at 4:40. It was rush hour and the radiology place closed at 5:00! Somehow we made it but by the time the x-rays were taken, there was no one left to read them. So, we'll have to wait until the morning to see what we are dealing with. Austin was so cute while they were taking the x-rays. He told me to tell him when I could see his bones. He thought it would be like in the cartoons when you can see right through the person's body!
After we left the radiology place, I went to the pharmacy by my house to get the prescriptions. Of course, they did not have the medicine I needed and I had to drive across town to another pharmacy to get it. And now for the next few days, I have to give Austin a breathing treatment every 4-6 hours (even when sleeping and during school!). And more often than that if he is wheezing. Oh the joys of parenthood!
By the time we were done running around, it was 6:45! Luckily I have a very helpful husband who was able to come home early to meet the bus and then go pick up Nick from Chess Club. Then feed the kids, get Nick ready for his baseball game, and take them all up to the baseball field. Austin and I met them there and got to see a little of Nick's game. (They lost but played a good game.)
After the game, we all came home, the kids took baths and then we watched most of Surf's Up. Then I gave Austin a breathing treatment. Marty went to bed - he has to fly to Houston tomorrow just for the day. And I'm finally getting to my emails. Where do the days go?
I'm headed to bed because I'm beat. Here's a song I've been liking lately. Colbie Caillat: Bubbly


  1. OMG, Robyn, I hope he's ok! Your family sure has had a run of medical problems lately. I'll be sending "happy thoughts" your way so hopefully things will settle down for you.

  2. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Sorry to hear about all your kids' ordeals. But I can tell you that breathing treatment really helps very fast. Sean already had pneumonia twice and once we had an inhalator it was gone within a couple of days. I never thought it would help better than antibiotics, but it did (this was maybe down to the fact that Sean hated the antibiotics and would refuse to swallow them :-) ). Hope Austin will be better soon and that they won't find anything with Mackenzie.

  3. Oh goodness - you really had ONE of those DAYS. Hope your son's chest imrpoves. Hang in there
