Thursday, August 30, 2007

Don't faint ... I designed something!

This summer took its toll on me for sure. Having 4 kids at home for 13 weeks and trying to work can make you a little nutty. I even tried to resign from designing. But, luckily, my store owner (Nancie Rowe-Janitz) is the sweetest lady and let me stay even though I wasn't putting out any product. Well, I got the desire to design something this week after the kids were all off to school on Monday. And I have so many ideas floating around for new stuff. So look for several new products coming soon. The first two hit my Scrap Artist Shoppe today. They are called Just Wingin' It and Damp Stamp Alpha.

That's all I have for now. I'll try to write a real blog post again sometime this century. This whole back-to-school thing has been hard because not only did I have to get my kids ready, but it was also the start of a new semester at the gym so it's always hectic for a few weeks.

I didn't know what music to play today so I did a search for a song about wings and I came across this song called Broken Wings by Alter Bridge. I have never heard of this band but the song is great. I did a little research on Alter Bridge and three of the members of the band are former members of Creed. Marty is going to love them! (He's out of town tonight.) Here's the video.


  1. oh, lol! but i LOVE the wings - they look so realistic! and Im glad you didnt resign, youre one of my fave designers! hope you get your mojo back soon ;)

  2. So glad you can't make yourself leave, no matter what life throws at you! :) Really, though, glad things are leveling off so that you can get back to making the good stuff for us underlings to scrap with. You are a digital dynamo, which obligates you to stick around and school the rest of us slackers! :)

    And I still feel sad for the poor butterflies even though their wings are the only things that are useful to me...
