Thursday, July 19, 2007

I'm Rockin'!

How cool is this ... my good friend Krista thinks I'm rockin'! She has nominated me for a "Rockin' Girl Blogger Award." Thank you so much, Krista! This means I get to nominate five people. If I nominate you, it's your turn to nominate five others. Let's see, I'm going to nominate:
I've had Fergie's Big Girls Don't Cry video on my blog for a few days. She's lookin' pretty hot in the video so I thought I would cool it down a bit today. Here we have little Stacy Ferguson in about 1986 when she was in Kids Incorporated. I know it's hard to believe that is Fergie singing a Lionel Richie song to some random creepy clown! But here she is...

And speaking of random stuff, another friend emailed me this quiz today with random questions so I thought I would just answer them here instead of emailing the responses.
What time is it? 11:29 pm

What's your middle name? Marlyn (See scrapbook page here.)

What is the most recent movie that you have seen? Hannibal Rising (Didn't like it.)

A movie you have seen more than 10 times? Valley Girl (Love Nicholas Cage!)

Place of birth? Saginaw, Michigan

Do you lie about your age? Nope. I'll be 37 next week.

Favorite food? Steak (medium rare)

What's your natural hair color? light brown

Ever been skinny dipping? Hasn't everyone? (That's a yes.)

Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? Yes.

Ever been in a car accident? Several but never a bad one and none that were my fault!

Croutons or bacon bits? Bring on the bacon!

Favorite day of the week? Sunday

Favorite restaurant? Saltgrass Steakhouse

Favorite Flower? I don't know. I don't really do flowers much.

Favorite sport to watch? Baseball.

Favorite drink? Skim milk. (Unless we're talkin' alcoholic and then I would have to say Smirnoff Ice.)

Favorite ice cream? Vanilla.

Ever been on a ship? Yes. We went on a cruise last summer.

How many times did you fail your driver's test? None but I didn't parallel park very well.

Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail? The SPAM gods.

What do you do when you are bored? Eat.

Bedtime? Around midnight.

Favorite TV show? LOST (See my 'Jack ass' ATC here.)

Last person you went to lunch with? Teresa

Favorite subject in high school? World Geography. ;-)

Did you go to college? Yes. Texas A&M

What is your favorite color? Black (See scrapbook page here.)

How many tattoos do you have? None.

How many pets do you have? 1 dog, 1 cat

What kind of car do you drive? Toyota Sequoia

Have you been to countries outside the U.S.? Yes. Mexico, Bahamas and lived in Canada.

Time this survey ended? 11:40 pm


  1. Thanks for the nomination Robyn!!! :D

  2. Me, a rockin blogger? Hahah...I think you're a better candidate...good to hear from you...

  3. Anonymous11:23 PM

    So fun to read these answers from you....great interview! :)

  4. hi Robyn..
    Thank you very much for nominating me :)

    Cheers !!!
