Sunday, July 22, 2007

Feedin' The Fish!

Here's a fisherman's wet dream! (Oh don't be such a prude. You know it's a good pun!)

We went out to the marina by our house yesterday. It has been pretty much under water most of the summer because of all of the rain. But the water has gone down a few feet with the last couple of days of dry weather so we thought we would give it a try. The kids like to go out and feed the fish. You can see why by looking at these pictures. There are SO MANY fish that it's almost scary. I think they would eat you alive if you fell in! In the last picture, you can see that the water is still way up by the sign.
Marty and I used to come out to this marina when we were dating. There's a restaurant called The Oasis and they have a bar upstairs that has live music on the weekends. Lots of fun times there! But a different experience altogether with kids.
That's all I have for today. It was a pretty uneventful weekend. However, I did manage to give Nick and Mackenzie a haircut and we talked Austin into going and getting a trim. He's not so shaggy anymore. Today we went to see Ratatoulle with the kids (it was good) and then lunch at Spaghetti Warehouse. And tonight I have to pack. I'm going to Little Rock tomorrow. Our full-time girl at our gym there is going to part-time and I have to make sure they are transitioning well. So ... it will be a few days before I post again.
How about a good fishing song? Here's Brad Paisley: I'm gonna Miss Her.


  1. Um, I don't get it. Does that make me a prude?


    Have a safe trip to Arky! Watch out for crazy hillbillies, OK?

    Can't. Keep. Up. You are super blogger! :)

  2. Anonymous2:15 PM

    man those fish look like pirana! (sp?) shrug! What a fun day it looks like you had. You make these kid's summer something special every and Marty two are really sweet and unselfish parents. I admire you guys!
