Monday, May 21, 2007

Queen of the Crop: Week 3

Moving is insane! We have been in our new house for over a week and are still living out of boxes, although we have made a ton of headway. It seems neverending! Hopefully by next weekend we will have all of the boxes unpacked and just need to hang things on the wall. We finally got our telephone hooked up on Friday and are still waiting for Internet. With all of the craziness of the move, I almost forgot to send in my week 3 entry for the Queen of the Crop contest! But, fortunately, I got it in with a few hours to spare and I even sent in week 4 in case our Internet is still not working. The theme for week 3 is "The Ordinary and Everyday Moments." I used one of my favorite pictures of my mother-in-law. The journaling reads: Even the everyday photos of Patti were beautiful. Circa 1946.

If you are unfamiliar with the QOTC contest, each vote costs $2 but you will receive a cool grab bag of digital goodies from the designers at Scrapbook Graphics. If you would like to vote for me, simply click on the image above.
I've been so busy that I haven't even posted my week 1 (My Many Faces or Moods) or week 2 (Make a Wish) entries so here they are (click on them if you would like to go see them in the SBG gallery):

Thank you to all of you for sticking with me during my move. I promise to have some new product in my Scrap Artist shoppe in the next couple of weeks.

1 comment:

  1. great layouts Robyn.... wish you all the best with the contest :)
