Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Hip!

As many of you know, we lived in Canada for 6 years and any good Canadian knows that the Tragically Hip is one of the greatest rock bands around! However, they are not so well-known down in the southern United States. Well, imagine our surprise when we heard they were coming to Dallas! Marty got tickets the day they went on sale. The concert is Friday night. And now for the coolest part ... through, I met a fellow quirker who knows the band!!!! I don't know if she wants to be named (Krista) but she was kind enough to get us passes to meet the band after the show. I am so excited. She just emailed me! I haven't even told Marty yet. Like I told her ... he is going to pee his pants! So I just wanted to shout out a big, HUGE thank you to my friend (Krista). I can't tell you how much this means to me. And now for some cool Tragically Hip music:


  1. what the crap!?! backstage passes!? darn it! i should have stalked krista before the barenaked ladies concert! does she know them too!? LOL!
    -- meesh

  2. Whiiiiiiinnnne.... so NOT fair!!!
    You lucky bugger... I'm so jealous that you get to actually meet them!!! You have to take a zillion pics when you're there!!!

  3. LOL When I started reading this I thought - I should tell my friend Krista, but looks like you already know here too! :) She hooked me up with one of their CDs too and I love it! So cool that you got passes!

  4. WOW! This is awesome!!!

  5. Awesome...Canadian here that I dont think I have heard one song..Might of on the radio and not known it...=(

    Have a GREAT time Robyn and can't wait to see your photos.

    Remember to bring a pen for autographs..Paper is optional...LOL!

  6. I go to Krista's blog all the time, so when I saw the name of the band, I thought...hmmm...that's the band that Krista then you inserted her name :-0
    Have a 'Fabulously Hip' time tonight!! :-)

  7. I love to hear good news from you. And this is really great for you all.
    I did not know that band from that far away I am, but I heard the song now and liked it.
    I wish you all fun you can have
