Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I love webchyck!

I got home from a very long day yesterday to discover the funniest ATC ever! My good friend Becky (you all know her as webchyck ... the ScrapbookGraphics blog queen) created this card just for me and I had to share it with you. Here is a link to her layout at Digital Art Quirks if you want to leave her a comment.

Thank you to everyone who has been sending me their submissions for the Guest Creative Contest (see the post below for details on that as well as the freebie). Keep them coming! I will feature some of the entries in my blog post tomorrow.
I am truly overwhelmed by the response I am receiving to the La Femme kit. Thank you all very much!


  1. Anonymous5:20 PM

    tee hee! It's not every day I get mentioned on someone else's blog! LOL! Honestly, this is my favorite ATC yet...but how could I not be inspired by your wonderful goodies?

  2. Very Darling ATC! Good work Becky (& Robyn for making all the elements). :)

  3. Very Darling ATC! Good work Becky (& Robyn for making all the elements). :)

  4. Anonymous1:21 AM

    I looked at Becky's atc and thought...Oh, cute atc, then I looked closer to read the journalling/statement and Laughed Out Loud...so true, made me smile, tfs

  5. Love the ATC...Great use of the elements...=)

  6. Robyn, just want to tell you after two years of doing digital scrapbooking, and making my own kits, and NEVER EVER having bought a kit (doing it all from the kindness of freebies) I bought my FIRST kit today, it happened to be your La Femme kit!! I just couldn't let this pass...it is perfect. Since I love to do altered art, collage etc. So thank you so much for creating such a masterpiece. I would love to see you create a set of pretty cone crowns and wings. Now THAT would be great!
