Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Round and Round!

I've been having fun playing with a round canvas for a change. I created these layouts to put on a CD. My printer will print directly on printable CD's so these are quick and easy for me. I am having so much fun with them that I posted these as examples for the Heritage Challenge and the Altered/Collage Challenge at Scrap Artist. I would love to see you at the challenges. I even posted a template for you to download if you would like.

In other news, if today wasn't already going to be busy enough ... I had to teach all morning and then 2 of the kids have doctors appointments and then 2 have karate and then 2 have basketball practice. So I plan to run all over the world today anyway. Well, right after I got done teaching my second class this morning, the nurse at school called and said that Lauren had fallen on the playground and sliced her chin open. So ... I had to run get her and take her to the ER. Luckily just last week, they opened a new hospital really close to us. So we tested out the emergency room there which was nice and empty during the middle of the day. They glued her chin back together and we went and ate at Burger King and then she wanted to go back to school. So I took her back for the last hour of the school day. Now I have to go back and get her and the others and start with the rest of my places to be.

Doesn't seem like any designing or scrapping will be happening today! But I actually do have another ATC kit that is nearing completion ... and a brush set to go along with it. More on that later.


  1. I hope Lauren heals up quickly! My best wishes to a happy healing!

    Great template and atc idea!

  2. I hope Lauren is doing ok! love the cd's!!!

  3. Fab CDs Robyn...Grabbed your template...will post when finished!!
