It seems like I should have more time to add posts to my blog but I just don't. Most of my time is devoted to my family and work. The little free time I have, I enjoy scrapbooking. So that is why I always post layouts. Here is my latest. Isn't Mackenzie a cutie?
Marty is out of town for a couple of nights. He just left this morning. We all had a fun family day yesterday. We went to Home Depot, Staples and Target (such excitement!) and then we went out to the park by the lake. The water is so low that we could actually walk the beach and the kids had a great time learning to skip rocks. After that, we went out to the restaurant by the marina and fed the ducks and fish and then had dinner. A fun day was had by all!
What a cute page! I love the play on his name for the title, very creative. :)