Here is a fun page I did about a plant of all things. Problem is that I have a very brown thumb! The journaling explains why there is a picture of my daughter and my great-grandma on the same page. It reads: This may look like just another picture of Lauren watering a flower. However, it is so much more than that. I went up to Ohio last month to surprise Dad for his 60th birthday. Just before he was going to take me to the airport for my return trip to Texas, he went out in his yard and dug up this flower. He had many of these plants in his yard and he said that they all came from Great Grandma Archangeli’s yard in Michigan. He thought I should take one with me for my house. Now getting this on the plane was a story in itself! I had to put it in a big bag and carry it on with me. I got some strange looks but it survived the trip. Dad told me to plant it in a shady spot on the North side of my house and give it plenty of water. I did just as instructed but after a few days of the Texas heat, it was looking pretty sad. Dad said just to keep watering it and hopefully next year it will come up again and maybe even multiply. I sure hope it does. I would love to have a little part of Grandma Archangeli at my house. I miss her so much. ~Robyn 9.2005
Margaret Archangeli
{Lauren’s Great-Great Grandma}
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